An anti-cancer diet prevents a person from getting cancer. However, the anti-cancer diet itself does not prevent cancer. Moreover, there are many vaccines like the HPV vaccine that can prevent uterine cancer, the Hepatitis B vaccine that can prevent liver cancer, and other healthy lifestyles that altogether help in preventing cancer to some extent. a diet that contains more antioxidants can have anti-cancer properties.
High Fiber as An Anti-Cancer Diet:
Use fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Some research suggests that people with body mass index (BMI)greater than 30 are at high risk for many types of cancer like cancer of the colon and rectal, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach, kidneys, uterine, and liver cancer, using high fiber food in daily routine diet can prevent someone from obesity and indirectly decreases risk for cancer.
Lower /Moderate Alcohol Usage:
As alcohol impacts overall health. It irritates the stomach, intestines, and brain cells too, and degrades the liver, hence people drinking alcohol in excessive amounts are at high risk for gastrointestinal cancers. Lowering alcohol consumption can prevent some from getting cancer.
Vitamin- D as an Anti-cancer
Some studies suggested that there is a relationship between cancer and low vitamin D levels. Studies show that people with low levels of vitamin D are at high risk for many types of cancers. For example colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.
Colored Fruit as an Anti-cancer Diet:
colored fruits are a rich source of many important vitamins, fibers, and antioxidants. Vitamins and antioxidants play an important role in many bodily functions and in reducing and eliminating free radicals from the body. Eliminating free radicals from the body reduces the risk of cancer. Examples of colored fruits are blueberries. cherries, oranges, peaches, blackberries, etc.
Reducing Sugar Intake:
reduce processed sweets and bakeries which contain artificial sugars, unhealthy fats, and high amounts of calories. All these lead to excessive weight gain which excessive weight leads to cancer.
Use Healthy Fats:
Healthy fats play an essential role in preventing anti-inflammatory processes in the body. Inflammatory responses increase the risk of cancer. So use healthy fats (olive oil, avocados, omega fish oil.
Anti-cancer juice: Juice containing anti-cancer properties in vegetables and fruits is a rich source of antioxidants, such as cucumber juice, beetroot juice, bitter gourd juice, etc.
Use Lean Meat as an Anti-Cancer Diet
Encourage the use of lean meat like fish, poultry, beans, and tofu. Avoid the use of processed meat and red meat which has high evidence of many cancers.
Use whole grains such as whole meat, brown rice, and oatmeal Whole grains contain high fiber and pure nutrients which may reduce the risk of cancer.
Drink Plenty of Water:
drinking more water keeps the body hydrated. Moreover, water helps in metabolism and helps in carrying out many chemical reactions in the body. Also helps in eliminating end products of reactions and free radicals from the body which reduces the risk of cancer.
Eat garlic and onion: Researchers found that eating garlic and onions blocks some compounds that cause cancer in the colon, liver, and breast. Onion and garlic contain sulfur. However, sulfur blocks some chemical pathways in the formation of cancer cells and prevents cancer.
Tomatoes as an Anti-cancer:
Researchers found that tomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid that has strong protection against hypertension, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory processes. So, tomatoes should be used in the diet.
Use of turmeric in Diet: Studies have shown that turmeric contains anticancer properties.
Red Grapes Reduce Risk of Cancer: Studies suggest that a diet rich in antioxidants prevents cancer evidence. However, red grapes contain a heavy amount of anti-oxidants so, help in the prevention of cancer.
Moreover, diet can have some role in the prevention of cancer. A diet high in antioxidants should be used in daily diet. Antioxidants remove /eliminate free radicals from the body which reduces cancer risk.
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